Twisted Teas
Join me, Sabrina while I uncover the stories globally and try to understand these twisted minds on their motives and actions. Some stories might be disturbing and many will be twisted but always remember, take a sip of tea before we begin.
For any story recommendations/sponsorships, you can reach me at reachmetwistedteas@gmail.com
Twisted Teas
Real Life Squid Games? Tale of South Korea's Concentration Camp
In 1980's, South Korea wanted to cleanse the streets of homeless people, drunkards and all the addicts to provide a better living environment for the people. But cleaning the streets up lead to another serious problem of kidnapping, did they just mask the sound of Welfare homes being homely and kind or did some people who owns the facilities mis-used the image and took the opportunity to hide the heinous crimes they were doing.
All this is stories from the survivors that lived through the tale and till now is waiting for justice to be served.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twistedteas_/